Tuesday, September 9, 2014

ADHD Myths and Misconceptions

ADHD isn’t real.  
The Truth: ADHD is a very real disorder.  Neuroimaging studies have documented differences in the activity of ADHD and non-ADHD brains.  

ADHD is over diagnosed.
The Truth: While this may be true in small circles around the country, just as many (if not more) go undiagnosed.  In fact, it’s estimated that 85% of ADHD adults are undiagnosed. 

ADHD is the result of bad parenting.
The Truth: Nothing gets me fired up faster than someone who blames the parents for a child's ADHD.  ADHD is NOT the result of bad parenting.  The disorder has a strong genetic component, and most ADHDers have family members with ADHD as well.   

ADHD is a new disorder.  
The Truth: While we still have a lot to learn about ADHD, it is not a new disorder.  In fact, accounts of ADHD date back as far as 1798.
ADHD is a childhood disorder, and people outgrow it. 
The Truth: While ADHD may manifest differently in adults, people don’t just outgrow it.  Adults with ADHD are likely to exhibit less hyperactivity, and most develop systems to minimize the effects of their symptoms.  However, many still struggle with inattention and impulsiveness.  As a result, ADHD adults are more likely to get divorced, and they are more likely to change jobs multiple times. 

Stimulant medications are not safe.
The Truth: Stimulant medications have been used to treat symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity since 1937, and Ritalin has been on the market since 1954.  In other words, these medications have been around for a long time.  They are completely safe when used properly and under a doctor’s supervision.  In fact, they are less likely to result in medical complications than Aspirin.   

Stimulant medications are addictive. 
The Truth: This might be true, but ONLY if they are misused.  When stimulant medications are taken properly and under a doctor’s supervision, they do not pose a threat of addiction.

Stimulant medications increase the risk of substance abuse. 
The Truth: I would argue that the opposite is true.  Individuals with ADHD are more likely to abuse drugs and/or alcohol, but this is due to the disorder, not the treatment.  When people are not treated properly, they are more likely to self-medicate with caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, or drugs.

People with ADHD just need to try harder.  
The Truth: Most people with ADHD ARE trying harder.  However, these attempts are often in vain, because the harder they try to pay attention, the more their brain shuts down. 

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